The kit includes the controller ILDA / USB and software progrmmnoe iShow Laser Software Version 2.3 with a set of drivers. For the third year, Örebro County Theater sets up a facade show at Örebro. Product Info Images and Videos Related Products Support & Downloads. Learn more about our 10000 lumens (center) PT-RZ970 1-Chip DLP laser. Freeware ILDA software, freeware laser software. Ishow 2.3 Software DownloadDownload the FREE version of Laserworld Showeditor V6. I show laser software, ilda show laser software, ishow laser software download, ishow laser software tutorial, ishow laser software version 2.3, ilda laser show software, free download, ishow laser software drivers, ishow laser software version 2.3 download, ishow laser software windows 7 driver, ishow laser software mac, ishow laser software, ishow laser software 64 bit, ishow laser software download mac, ishow laser software manual, ishow laser software windows 10 IShow V3.0 Ethernet Laser Light Show Software 64 bit + USB To ILDA Box eBay.

Watch our the iShow in action via the video below. Showeditor FREE does not support any output hardware interfaces, but is especially suitable for the use with show laser light systems with built-in SD. Laserworld Showeditor FREE is a free laser show software designed for creating own frames, figures and timeline shows and exporting them to the ILDA (.ild) standard and HEB (.heb) file format.